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New Folder

The New Folder feature makes it easy to create an empty folder in an existing Zip file.

First, switch to a folder view if necessary by clicking Default in the View tab.

To create the new folder, navigate into the folder in which you wish to create your new folder, right-click and choose New Folder from the shortcut menu.

The Create a Folder dialog will appear. The dialog shows the full path of the folder in the Zip file in which the new folder will be created. Enter the name of the new folder in the Name field and then click OK.

Files can now be dragged from Windows Explorer and dropped into the new folder.

Note: you cannot create multiple folders at once. For example, if the following folder is empty

 C:\Test Folder

You can create the folder

 C:\Test Folder\One Level Is Ok

However, you cannot create the following two folders at once (although you can create the first level and then the second level one after the other):

 C:\Test Folder\Level One Folder\Level Two Folder