About Zip Files and Other Archives

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About Zip Files and Other Archives

What is an Archive?

Zip files are the most common archive type of file. Archives are files that contain other files. Typically the files in an archive are compressed. Archives have various extensions (name endings), such as ZIP, ZIPX, LZH, LHA, GZ, or CAB, depending on how they were created. Archives make it easier to group files and make downloading and copying these files faster.

Typical Uses for Archives:

What is a Self-Extracting Zip File?

A self-extracting Zip file is an executable program file (.EXE file) that includes both a Zip file and software to unzip or "extract" the contents of the Zip file. Users can unzip the contents of a self-extracting Zip file by simply running it. This is convenient because the end user does not need an unzip program (like WinZip®) to unzip files from these self-extracting archives.

WinZip Self-Extractor Personal Edition, included with WinZip, creates Windows self-extracting Zip files.

Archive formats:

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