Brief Tutorial - Extracting Files

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Brief Tutorial - Unzipping Files

Click on each tutorial topic, in sequence, to learn all about WinZip®:


image\B-U.gif 1. Introducing WinZip

image\B-U.gif 2. The WinZip Window

image\B-U.gif 3. Opening WinZip Files

image\B-U.gif 4. Viewing Files

image\B-D.gif 5. Unzipping Files

image\B-U.gif 6. Creating New WinZip Files

image\B-U.gif 7. Adding Files to a WinZip File

image\B-U.gif 8. Deleting Files and Folders

image\B-U.gif 9. Custom Configurations

image\B-U.gif 10. Additional Features




When you unzip a file, WinZip decompresses it and places it in the folder of your choice. You can restore whole folders and retain the structure of all sub-folders. The example explains doing this using the WinZip Ribbon. In the ribbon, unzipping is performed in the Unzip tab.

When you are in the Unzip tab

Note: if a Zip file contains a "setup" or "install" program, you can use the Install Feature to automatically unzip the files, run the installation program, and clean up temporary files.

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