Downloading and Processing Files with WinZip

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Downloading and Processing Files with WinZip

WinZip® makes it easy and convenient to process Zip files and other archives you download.

If you download a WinZip file, your Internet browser might give you a choice to either open the file or save it to disk. If you choose to open the file, you should be aware that the browser will probably delete it when the browser is closed. To avoid this problem, use the browser's "save" option, and specify an easy-to-remember folder such as a "Zip files" folder you create in Documents, the Downloads folder, or the Desktop.

Problems Downloading? When you download a file, things can go wrong, resulting in a damaged copy of the file that WinZip cannot open. The solution to most download-related problems is simply to download the file again. For more information on resolving Internet download-related problems, see Causes for a bad or corrupt zip file in the Knowlege Base.

Note: Many files available for download on the Internet are executable (.exe) files. If the .exe file is a self-extracting Zip file, you can open and process it using WinZip . The easiest way is to right click the self-extractor and choose Open with WinZip from the WinZip context menu.


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Hints For Working With Downloaded Files

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