How do I view graphic/spreadsheet/word processing files in an archive?

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How do I view graphic/spreadsheet/word processing files in an archive?

WinZip® can display documents, text files, RTF (rich text format) files and images in the previewer that is in its Actions pane (requires a Pro registration), but for other file types (or all file types for a Standard registration) you will need an external program.

The program you need will depend on the type of file you want to display. For example, to display graphics files such as .jpg and .gif without using the internal image viewer, you will need a graphics viewer; to display a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xls), you need to have either Excel or a viewer that is capable of displaying Microsoft Office documents.

Otherwise, a variety of third-party programs, many of them free, are available for working with and viewing the main types of files that most people are likely to encounter in archives. For more information about these programs please visit our web site.

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