Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

For more complete and up-to-date FAQs, please visit the WinZip® web site.


How do I get started?


What is the WinZip Ribbon interface?

Why does my Zip file have a .zipx extension?

Why is WinZip slow when extracting some files?

What is Wipe?

How do I compress the contents of a folder and later restore it?

How do I view graphic/spreadsheet/word processing files in an archive?

How do I use WinZip to email Zip files and other archives?

Why aren't WinZip's email features working for me?


How do I purchase WinZip?

Do you keep track of address changes?


Related Topics:

Hints and Tips

Hints For Working With Downloaded Files

Using the Explorer Interface

WinZip Help Table of Contents

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