Sharing the Zip File (WinZip Job Wizard)

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WinZip Pro and WinZip Enterprise feature

Sharing the Zip File (WinZip Job Wizard)

When a WinZip® backup is complete, you can share the new Zip file with others using social media and/or instant messaging. To use this feature, click Post to in the Specifications Complete panel of the Job Wizard and then click Social media and/or Instant messaging.

To share the Zip file, WinZip will send a link to a cloud storage location. So, if you want to share your Zip file, you must also configure your WinZip job to save the Zip file to the cloud.


Sharing with social media

Simply type the message you want to send with your link and then:

  1. Check the service you want to use.  WinZip will help you log in to the service if necessary.
  2. In the case of Faebook and LinkedIn, click the Share To list and select the group of recipients with whom you want to share your Zip file.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 if you want to share using more than one service.
  4. Click OK.

Sharing with instant messaging

Simply type the message you want to send with your link and then:

  1. Check the service you want to use. WinZip will help you log in to the service if necessary.
  2. Repeat step 1 if you want to use more than one instant messaging service.
  3. Check one or more recipients in the Contacts list.
  4. Click OK.

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