Add/Move Files dialog
WinZip shows this dialog when a new Zip file is being created. For example, these actions require the Add/Move dialog or some variant of it:
- When you select Add/Move to Zip file from the Explorer context menu.
- When you drop a file onto a closed, existing WinZip file in Explorer.
- When you use various sharing options that require a new, temporary WinZip file.
The dialog includes the following options. Note that the exact content of the dialog varies, depending on what you're doing, so not all of these options appear in every version of the dialog.
- File name - if this is a new Zip file, you can specify the name in this field. If you are adding files to an existing Zip file, this field is pre-filled and cannot be edited.
- Destination - if this is a new Zip file, the Destination group will list the target location where the new Zip file will be created. Click the Change Destination button to change the target location. This group is not shown if the Zip file is an existing file.
- The Compression Type group determines the compression method that will be used when adding the files to the Zip file.
- .Zip: Legacy (max. compatibility): This method, referred to as Maximum Deflate in earlier versions of WinZip, provides good, fast compression that is compatible with virtually all Zip file utilities. You may want to choose this option if speed of compression is a primary concern or if you are sending the Zip file to others who may not have a Zip file utility that can extract files compressed with newer methods.
- .Zipx: Best method (smallest size): This choice allows WinZip to choose the best compression method for each file based on the file type. You may want to choose this option if compressed file size is a primary concern. Choosing Best method will result in a .zipx file; so if you are planning to share these Zip files with others, you should be sure that they are using WinZip 12.1 or later. The Jpeg compression and WavPack compression methods are only available when using Best method.
- Filters - this group lists the available filters that can be applied to the files that are being added to the Zip file. The default filters are:
- No filtering - no filtering will be performed during the add operation.
- +*.*;Full Path - all selected files/folders will be added. The full path to the selected files will also be saved. For example, if the selected file named foo.txt is in a folder c:\test1\test2, then the foo.txt will be added to the Zip file with the complete path of folders test1\test2\foo.txt.
- +*.*;Hid/Sys - all selected files/folders will be added including any files/folders that have the Hidden and System attributes set. Normally, these files are not included.
- +*.*;Full Path,Hid/Sys - this is a combination of the previous filters.
You can create custom filters using the Filter button in the Zip tab.
- Encryption - if the Encrypt files checkbox is checked, the files you are adding will be encrypted. WinZip will prompt for a password. Please be sure to read About Encryption before using encryption.
- Conversions - this groups allows you to specify any conversions that you wish to apply to the selected files as they are added to the Zip file. The original files that remain on your computer are not changed.Click the ... button next to an option to specify how the conversions will be performed.
- Convert Photos - select this option to convert image files (BMP, GIF, JPG, JP2, PNG, PSD, TIF, and WEBP) from one file type to another.
- Convert to PDF - select this option to convert any supported file type (DOC, XLS, etc.) to a PDF before it is added to the Zip file.
- Convert from PDF - select this option to convert any PDF to another supported file type (DOC, xLS, etc.) before it is added to the Zip file.
- Combine files into one PDF - select this option to combine all PDFs into a single PDF, which will be added to the Zip file.
- Reduce photos - select this option to reduce the size of any image file before it is added to the Zip file. For example, if your original photo is 1024 x 768 in size, you can have it automatically reduced to 640 x 480 as it is being added. This will reduce the overall size of your Zip file and can make sharing the Zip file via email or uploading/downloading on the Internet faster.
- Remove Personal Data - select this option if you want to remove all EXIF metadata from files (DOC, DOCX, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG, PSD, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX).
- Watermark - select this option if you want to add a watermark to your PDFs, pictures, and other images as they are added. Click the settings button (...) to select the watermark and the watermarking options.
- Sign PDF files - select this option to sign any PDF that is being added to the Zip file.
- Convert Photos - select this option to convert image files (BMP, GIF, JPG, JP2, PNG, PSD, TIF, and WEBP) from one file type to another.
- To have the file automatically deleted after a period of time, check Expire Zip file in 30 days in the Schedule for Deletion group. You can adjust the time period using the settings button (...) next to the option.
- Click the button at the lower right to begin the zipping operation. The name of the button varies, depending on the operation being performed. Note that all of these choices replace any files already in the archive that have the same name and folder information as files that are being added or updated. Here are examples of the button's name and operation:
- Add - adds all specified files to the archive.
- Move - adds all specified files/folder AND moves the original files/folders to the Recycle Bin after they have been added.
- Send New Zip File - used for sharing, creates the new Zip file and shares it using the method you've selected.
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