Brief Tutorial - Opening Archives

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Brief Tutorial - Opening WinZip Files

Click on each tutorial topic, in sequence, to learn all about WinZip®:

image\B-D.gif 3. Opening WinZip Files

The first step is to open a WinZip file. The steps below explain doing this using the WinZip Ribbon.

  1. Click the File tab on the ribbon (the tab that is to the left of the Zip or Unzip tab).
  2. Move your cursor over Open and then click the type of file you wish to open (WinZip File, From Favorites, Backup, PDF, or Image).
  3. In the Open WinZip File window, select the file that you wish to open. This dialog works just like the Open dialog boxes in other applications, except that it also lists cloud storage providers. Just find and select the file you want to open, then click Open.

Once an existing WinZip file is open you can unzip it or work with the files it contains. The files are listed in the main WinZip window. If you want to create a new WinZip file instead of working with an existing one, see Brief Tutorial - Creating New WinZip Files.

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