WinZip Pro and WinZip Enterprise feature |
Predefined WinZip Backups
WinZip® (Pro and Enterprise) includes several predefined WinZip backups that can assist you in zipping some common data.
To run one of the predefined backups, simply choose one of the following from the Backup tab in the WinZip Ribbon interface; the jobs below are listed with the Ribbon interface name:
- Documents Library: this job zips all of the files and folders contained in the user's Documents Library. The resulting Zip file is called "Documents Library.zipx".
- Pictures Library: this job zips all of the files and folders contained in the user's Pictures Library. The resulting Zip files is called "Pictures Library.zipx".
- Desktop, Email, Docs, and Favs: this job combines the four described items into one job. The resulting Zip file is called "CombinedUserFiles.zipx"
- All libraries: this job zips all of the files and folders contained in all of the user's Libraries, including any custom Libraries that the user may have created. The resulting Zip file is called "Libraries.zipx".
In all cases, the resulting Zip file is stored in a subfolder of My Documents named "My WinZip Files".
- The items listed above represent the standard set that is included with WinZip Pro. If your copy of WinZip was installed by a system administrator, he or she may have elected to remove one or more of the pre-configured jobs. In that case, some or all of the jobs may not appear in the Backup tab or Jobs menu.
- You can edit the predefined jobs using the Job Wizard. However, the jobs are stored in the WinZip folder in your Program Files, so you must have write permission in your Program Files folder, and any changes will be lost if you reinstall or update WinZip.
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