WinZip Email Message

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WinZip Email Message

This dialog allows you to send an email message with a Zip file attached using the WinZip® built-in email program. WinZip uses the built-in email program when MAPI compliant e-mail software is not available or if the configuration option to use the built-in email program has been set. The the built-in email program's dialog appears when using any of the WinZip features that sends a Zip file as an email attachment or cloud link.

To send an email message:

Attach or link?

WinZip can email your Zip file in two different ways:

WinZip decides whether to attach or link based on the size of the Zip file and your email settings. The button just above the message body will show either "Attached" or "Linked" to indicate how the file will be sent. To change the method, just click the button.

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