The Unzip Tab
The Unzip tab will have many options that are available whenever you have a Zip file open or when you have created a Zip file. It allows you to work with the files and folders in an open WinZip file.
Unzip to group
Use the controls in this group to unzip files to your PC, a network location, or the cloud.
To unzip, select the files and folders you want to unzip, then click one of the following ribbon buttons. Note that selecting no items is the same as selecting all items.
- Same folder as Zip: Unzips to the folder where the WinZip file is located, or a subfolder of it.
- If the Zip file contains only one file, it will be unzipped to the folder than contains the Zip file.
- If the Zip file contains more than one file, the selected item(s) will be unzipped to a subfolder of the folder that contains the Zip file. The subfolder will have the same name as the zip file. For example, if the open Zip file is D:\Sales\, the items will be unzipped to a folder named D:\Sales\January.
- Documents: Unzips to your Documents folder or a subfolder of it.
- If the Zip file contains only one file, it will be unzipped to the Documents folder.
- If the Zip file contains more than one file, the selected item(s) will be unzipped to a subfolder of the Documents folder. The subfolder will have the same name as the Zip file. For example, if the open Zip file is D:\Sales\, the items will be unzipped to Documents\January.
- To change the base folder used by this button to something other than Documents, click the drop arrow below the button, click Set folder for this button, and choose a new folder.
- Last Folder Used to Unzip: Unzips to the same folder as the most recent unzip operation. Unlike the first two buttons, this button always unzips directly to the last unzip folder; it doesn't matter how many items are in the Zip file.
- My PC or Cloud shows a standard dialog that allows you to specify the folder for unzipping. You can choose a folder on your PC, on your local network, or in the cloud.
Files to Unzip group
The controls in this group determine which files are unzipped.
- All files: If this radio button is selected, WinZip will unzip all files in the WinZip file, regardless of selections.
- Selected files: If this radio button is selected, WinZip will unzip only the files that are selected.
Downloads group
The controls in this group help you examine, try out, or install the files that are in the open Zip file. These are typically used for Zip files that you have downloaded.
- Unzip and Try: Unzips the files in your open WinZip file to a specified location in order to try them out. When you close the WinZip file or exit WinZip, you will have the option to delete the extracted files.
- Unzip and Install: Unzips and installs the software contained in the open WinZip file.
Show group
- Last Output: View the results of the last operation that WinZip performed.
- Comments: Create, view, edit, or delete a comment embedded in your Zip file.
- Properties: View the properties of the open WinZip file or of a file it contains.
- To see properties of the Zip file, click the top part of the button.
- To see properties of one of the files in the Zip file, select it, click the drop arrow below the Properties button, and click Selected File.
- Diagnostics: Run a diagnostic test of the open WinZip file and view simple or detailed results of the test.
Unzip Settings
Click this button to set some basic options for unzipping, as described in Extracting files from a WinZip file.
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