The Unzip Tab

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The Unzip Tab

The Unzip tab will have many options that are available whenever you have a Zip file open or when you have created a Zip file. It allows you to work with the files and folders in an open WinZip file.

Unzip to group

Use the controls in this group to unzip files to your PC, a network location, or the cloud.

To unzip, select the files and folders you want to unzip, then click one of the following ribbon buttons. Note that selecting no items is the same as selecting all items.

Files to Unzip group

The controls in this group determine which files are unzipped.

Downloads group

The controls in this group help you examine, try out, or install the files that are in the open Zip file. These are typically used for Zip files that you have downloaded.

Show group

Unzip Settings

Click this button to set some basic options for unzipping, as described in Extracting files from a WinZip file.

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