The View Tab
The View tab allows you to change the look of the WinZip® main window and lets you control other open WinZip windows.
This tab is divided into five sections.
Reset to
- Default: This display mode shows both the Files and Actions pane, sets the Tall Row layout and Single Folder view of Zip file content.
- Classic: This display mode shows no Files and no Actions panes, sets the layout to Table and the view of the Zip file content to All Files in the Zip.
- Files: Allows you to specify whether or not WinZip's Files pane, the left hand column exposing the files and folders on your PC, should be shown.
- Actions: Allows you to specify whether or not WinZip's Actions pane, the right-most column exposing WinZip's most frequently used features, should be shown.
For the Files and Zip panes, allows you to specify how items are displayed:
- Tall Rows: Allows you to specify that the list of files in the Zip is shown as tiled with thumbnails rendered for images and basic information related to a file's modification date as well as its original and compressed size.
- Table: Allows you to specify that the list of files in the Zip is shown in a detailed view that includes all of the columns that are selected under the Columns button in the Current View section.
- Icon: Allows you to specify that the list of files in the Zip is shown as larger rendered images and icons
For the Actions pane, click to specify whether or not you want to show the button labels.
Current View
- Sort by: Allows you to specify whether the list of files is sorted by Name, Type, or a number of other choices.
- Show: Allows you to specify whether folders in the Zip are shown as structured (Single Folder) or flattened (All files in the Zip)
- Columns: Select which columns to display in the file list area when using the Table layout.
- Folder Tree: In Single Folder view, this button will add a pane for navigating any folder structures in the current Zip file.
- New Window: Opens a new, empty WinZip window.
- Close All: Closes all open Zip files and all WinZip windows, leaving only one empty WinZip window open.
- Switch Windows: When working with more than one open WinZip file, use this button to quickly switch to a different WinZip window.
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