Proxy Server Settings
If your computer uses a proxy server to access the internet, use this dialog to enter the settings for the proxy server. The dialog has the following options:
- Use Internet Explorer defaults: Check this checkbox to use the same proxy server settings that Internet Explorer uses to access the internet. Uncheck this checkbox to enable the next two fields and manually specify the proxy settings for WinZip® to use.
- Proxy server: Enter the proxy server host name or ip address. If there are multiple proxies, enter them in a space-delimited string. The proxy listings can contain the port number that is used to access the proxy.
You can list a proxy for a specific protocol using a string that follows the format <protocol>=<protocol>://<proxy_name>:<port_number>. The valid protocols are HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP. For example, to list an FTP proxy, a valid string would be ftp=ftp://ftp_proxy_name:21, where ftp_proxy_name is the name of the FTP proxy server and 21 is the port number that is used to access it. If the proxy server uses the default port number for that protocol, the port number may be omitted. If a proxy name is listed by itself, it is used as the default proxy for any protocol that does not also have a specific proxy specified. For example, http=http://http_proxy all_other_proxy would use the http_proxy server for any HTTP operation and all other protocols would use the all_other_proxy server.
- Proxy bypass: Enter the host names or IP addresses that are known locally for which the proxy server can be bypassed. This list can contain wildcards, "*", which will cause WinZip to bypass the proxy server for addresses that fit the specified pattern. To list multiple addresses or host names, enter them with blank spaces as the separator. If <local> is specified, WinZip will bypass any host name that does not contain a period.
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