Zip and E-Mail Options

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Zip and E-Mail Options

The title of this dialog may vary, depending on the operation being performed. In addition, some of the options described here may not be available for all operations.


The Zip and E-Mail options dialog allows you to specify the name, compression type, encryption method, and special processing of files being sent. One way to see this dialog would be to open a Zip file, select a number of files in the Zip file, right click in the highlighted area , and choose "Send Selected Files To ... Mail Recipient (Zip and E-Mail).

To enhance the security of your files if the original Zip file is encrypted, any file that is temporarily extracted during this process will be automatically wiped prior to being deleted from the temporary location.

File name

If you want to change the suggested name for the Zip file to be sent, enter a new name in this field. Do not specify a folder or drive letter in the name. Note that this field may not be present for all operations.

Compression type

Choose the compression type to be used in compressing the files being sent. Only one compression type can be selected. See Choosing a compression method for additional information about the compression methods that WinZip® supports.



Check the Encrypt files check box to encrypt the files being sent.

Conversions before zipping

Check any additional processing you would like to perform on the files as they are being zipped. Note that this does not affect the files that are stored in the Zip file--it only affects the files that are being sent.

Send What?

Choose to send either just the files that have been selected or the entire contents of the Zip file.

Schedule for Deletion

This feature lets you set an expiration date for the Zip file, at which time the file will be deleted. This is particularly valuable with shared files that only need to be available for a given period of time so they don't accumulate.

Related Topic

Wipe Feature

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