Hints and Tips - Ribbon interface
These are the hints and tips displayed by the "Tip of the Day" window.
- Improved stability and performance: With fully refactored code, WinZip is now more performant and stable.
- Simplified navigation ribbon: Enhances user experience with intuitive interface toggling.
- Enhanced file handling: Accelerates operations with simultaneous unzipping of multiple files.
- WinZip now offers support for multiple platforms. Take WinZip with you on the go with our handy iOS and Android apps. Check out WinZip Mac Edition - perfect for households and offices that need to share compressed files between both Macs and Windows PCs.
- Use WinZip to connect directly to cloud storage services (Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.) so you can reach all your cloud files at once. To add files from the cloud, click "Add from PC or Cloud" in the Create or Edit tab. To save your Zip file to the cloud, click "To cloud" in the Create or Edit tab. WinZip will display the available space in each of your connected cloud services.
- Use WinZip to save gigabytes of space in the cloud! WinZip connects directly to cloud storage services (Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.) so you can zip and save large files to the cloud or retrieve files to share via email. Secure your files and save precious online storage space by zipping and encrypting them first.
- Email or post links to files you already have stored in the cloud. From the Share group in the Create or Unzip tab, click "What to Share". From the options shown, select "File(s) from cloud". Now click Email, Social Media, or Instant Messaging select the file(s) you want to share, then click "Share Link(s)" to post links to the selected files. To email or post the current Zip file, change the "What to Share" option to "This WinZip file".
- WinZip lets you share any type of file instant messaging or social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Keep everyone in the loop by posting content to multiple services at once. Simply click Social Media or Instant Messaging in the Create or Unzip tab to share your Zip file.
- Use WinZip to make your files more secure and easily shared. Convert documents to PDF, add custom watermarks to images and PDFs, or reduce photos. Only the files in your Zip file are converted. Your original files remain unchanged.
- Add custom watermarks to images and PDFs to deter unauthorized copying and add traceability. You control how and where the watermarks appear. Simply click Watermark in the Create or Edit tab to enable watermarking. Watermarks will be added to the following file types: BMP, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG and TIF.
- Protect your information by converting documents to PDF. WinZip can convert the following file types to PDF: DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, CCIT, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, EMF, EXIF, ICON, WMF. Click "Convert to PDF" in the Create or Edit tab. PDF files preserve the format of your original document and are more easily shared and viewed.
- WinZip can convert high-resolution images to more convenient sharing sizes instantly when adding them to your Zip file. Simply click Reduce Photos in the Create or Edit tab and decide what size you want your images converted to. Sharing large sets of digital photos and images has never been this easy!
- WinZip's context-sensitive 'smart' ribbon means you only see the tools you need for the task. When you launch WinZip, you automatically open to the Create tab, where you are given options to create a Zip file by adding files from your PC or from one of your cloud services.
- WinZip’s context-sensitive ‘smart' ribbon means you only see the tools you need for the task. When you double-click a Zip file to open it, WinZip will automatically show you the Unzip tab, where you can unzip files or share the Zip file by emailing it or posting it via instant media or social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
- When emailing Zip files with WinZip, you can customize how the file is delivered. Click the lower portion of the Email button in the Create or Edit tab From the options provided, select "As attachment" if you want WinZip to always send the file as an attachment. Select "Using cloud" if you want WinZip to always send the file as a cloud link. Select "Choose automatically" if you want WinZip to use cloud links only for large files. You can change the minimum size WinZip uses by choosing "Settings" and modifying the value for "Replace attachments with cloud links if they are larger than".
- If you've received or downloaded a WinZip file containing a single Microsoft Office document, double-clicking the WinZip file automatically opens the WinZip file, extracts the Office document, and opens it in Microsoft Office. You must have Microsoft Office installed to use this feature.
- You can use WinZip’s ribbon interface to encrypt all of the Zip files you create or update. In the Create or Edit tab, click Encrypt to enable Encryption of all files added to the Zip file. WinZip will prompt you for a password when you add files. You can also set the encryption level in the Settings tab by clicking Conversion Settings and choosing Encryption.
- WinZip can resize zipped images before e-mailing. In Windows Explorer, select the pictures you wish to send, right-click the selection, and choose either "Zip and E-Mail" or "Zip and E-Mail Plus". WinZip will prompt you to resize the images to be zipped; this can greatly reduce your transmission time and mailbox space without altering the original images.
- When you select a Zip file in Windows Explorer or Outlook's Reading Pane, the Zip file's contents will show in the Preview Pane. You can double-click the files contained in the Zip file to open them in their associated applications.
- Take full advantage of jump lists in Windows 7 or later. Pin WinZip to the taskbar or Start menu by right-clicking the WinZip icon and choosing "Pin to Taskbar" or "Pin to Start Menu". Then you can access the WinZip jump list by right-clicking the taskbar icon or by hovering the mouse over the WinZip entry in the Start menu and clicking the arrow.
- In addition to jump lists, you can access recently opened archives and WinZip jobs from the Start menu's Recent Items list. To enable Recent Items, right-click the Start button and choose Properties, open the Start Menu tab, and click Customize. Check the box labeled "Recent Items" and click OK twice.
- WinZip enhances the security of your encrypted Zip files by automatically wiping and then deleting any temporarily extracted files, preventing unauthorized people from recovering the deleted files.
- The "Tip of the Day" dialog is normally displayed when you start WinZip, except when you are opening a Zip file. You can change this behavior using the combo box in the "Tip of the Day" dialog.
- For quick zipping and unzipping, you can right click on a file listed in Windows Explorer and choose "Add to Zip file" or "Extract to" from Windows Explorer's context menu.
- The WinZip Quick Pick taskbar tray icon provides instant access to recently used archives and WinZip jobs, your Favorite Zip Folders, WinZip help, and WinZip itself. Press F1 now for information about enabling and using Quick Pick.
- You can extract from multiple Zip files in one operation. Simply select two or more Zip files in Windows Explorer or My Computer, right click one of the files, and choose one of the Extract options in the WinZip context menu. "Extract to" and "Extract to here using file names for folders" are good choices as they allow you to use separate folders for each Zip file.
- You can unzip all files from a Zip file without leaving Windows Explorer. Use the right mouse button to drag and drop a .zip or .zipx file from an Explorer window to any folder, then choose "Extract to" from the context menu. Be sure to use the right mouse button while dragging.
- You can create Zip files in Windows Explorer: right click in the Contents pane, then choose "New" and either "WinZip File" or "WinZip Zipx File". An empty .zip or .zipx file will be created in the current folder.
- The file listing in the main WinZip window can be quickly sorted by any of the fields displayed in the file listing. Just click on any column title to sort on it.
- You can quickly extract files from a Zip file by dragging the files from WinZip to any folder or Windows Explorer window (or even to the desktop).
- You can quickly add files to a Zip file by dragging the files from any folder or Windows Explorer window to WinZip.
- Besides Zip files, WinZip processes many other formats, including RAR, 7Z, ISO, IMG, BZ2, BZ, TBZ, TBZ2, TAR, Z, GZ, TGZ, LZH, LHA, CAB, UUencode, BinHex, and MIME.
- You can easily view files in a Zip file by dragging them to an application or a shortcut to an application.
- You can open recently accessed Zip files from the Start menu’s ‘Recent Items’ list or the WinZip Quick Pick taskbar tray icon.
- You can add selected files to a Zip file directly from Windows Explorer with complete control over the options.\n\nRight click on any file (or selected group of files) and choose "Add to Zip file" from the context menu.
- WinZip displays useful information about .zip and .zipx files you select in Windows Explorer. The information appears in a tooltip or, if "View as Web Page" is enabled, in the description area of the web page. The Windows Desktop Update (Active Desktop) must be installed and WinZip shell extensions enabled in order to use this feature.
- WinZip can automatically display the Zip comment when you open a Zip file that contains a comment. And, when the open Zip file has a comment, you can click on the comment icon on the status bar to view and edit the comment.
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