Specify Job Options (WinZip Job Wizard)

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WinZip Pro and WinZip Enterprise feature

Specify Job Options (WinZip Job Wizard)

Step 3

This panel sets your WinZip® job options for how folder information is stored, whether the zipped files should be encrypted, and what compression method is used.

Folder info

This option specifies how folder information is to be stored in the Zip file. The choices are:



This option specifies whether and how files should be encrypted when they are zipped. The choices are:



This button opens a dialog from which you can select to have WinZip do any of the available conversions to your files as it adds them to the Zip file being created.



Other options

These options affect other things including what WinZip displays when it is running the job.


Related Topics

Next panel: Specify Zip File

Previous panel: Choose Job Type

Password Policy in your WinZip configuration

WinZip Backups and the Job Wizard

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