Specify Zip File (WinZip Job Wizard)

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WinZip Pro and WinZip Enterprise feature

Specify Zip File (WinZip Job Wizard)

Step 4

The Specify Zip File panel of the WinZip® Job Wizard gives you options for naming the Zip file, specifying its location, and logging the job as it runs.

The Sample name field gives you an idea of what the final Zip file name and folder will look like. The final name may vary from what is shown here if variable information is appended to the Zip file name, if generic folder names are used, or if you choose to save the Zip file in a variably named subfolder. (All of these options are described below.)

Zip file name

Type the name you want to use for the Zip file that the job will create. Do not include a drive letter or a folder. You may change the name after step 6, 

The default name is WinZip Backup.zip. To help you to prevent over writing a file of the same name already saved in the folder, Append to Zip file name is set to Date + Time. You may type any name you wish and either configure to have nothing added to the end of the file name or choose something else to be appended.

Append to Zip file name

You may elect to append variable information to the Zip file name. This option allows you to run the same job at various times without overwriting previously created Zip files. When creating an Update backup, Differential backup, or an Incremental backup you should use one of the append options. The Append to Zip file name options are:


If (nothing) is chosen, nothing will be appended to the Zip file name.

Save in folder

The default location for your Zip file is a folder named My WinZip Files in the current user's Documents folder. There are several options available to you for changing the location for the Zip file.


Note that WinZip will create the required folder when the job runs if it does not already exist.

Zip to CD/DVD Options

This option allows you to modify the write speed that WinZip will use to write data to CD or DVD. The selection affects the job only if Save in folder evaluates to a CD or DVD drive when the job is run. See Zip to CD/DVD Options for full information.

Logging Options

This option allows you to have the results of your job logged to a file. The file will have the same name as your Zip file but with the extension changed from ".zip" or ".zipx" to ".log.txt".

When logging is enabled, WinZip will run silently and will not display any errors. This allows you to schedule your job and have it run unattended. Because no errors are displayed, you must view the log file to see if your job was successful.

See help for the Logging Options dialog for full details.

Related Topics

Next panel: Review Settings

Previous panel: Specify Job Options

WinZip Backups and the Job Wizard

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