Brief Tutorial - Viewing Files

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Brief Tutorial - Viewing Files

Click on each tutorial topic, in sequence, to learn all about WinZip®:


image\B-U.gif 1. Introducing WinZip

image\B-U.gif 2. The WinZip Window

image\B-U.gif 3. Opening WinZip Files

image\B-D.gif 4. Viewing Files

image\B-U.gif 5. Unzipping Files

image\B-U.gif 6. Creating New WinZip Files

image\B-U.gif 7. Adding Files to a WinZip File

image\B-U.gif 8. Deleting Files and Folders

image\B-U.gif 9. Custom Configurations

image\B-U.gif 10. Additional Features




You can easily view any of the files stored in a WinZip file by double clicking the file in the main WinZip window. WinZip will open the file in its associated application. For example, a Word (.docx) file may be displayed in Word, and a text (.txt) file may be displayed in Notepad. When you double click on a program file (.exe), it is run.

Alternatively, you can right-click the file in the main WinZip window and choose:


With a WinZip Pro or Enterprise registration, many files will display a preview that can be exanded for quick viewing (pictures, documents, etc).


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