General tab (WinZip settings)

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General tab (WinZip settings)

Open this tab from WinZip Settings to set options that pertain to the basic operation of WinZip®.

Basic preferences

Columns for table view

Track Shared Files

Fill this check box to cause the Share Files folder to display in WinZip's File pane. Any files you share will then display in that folder.

Access from the cloud

WinZip jobs

The option When a WinZip job file is double-clicked allows you to control the action that will be taken when a WinZip job file is doubled-clicked. There are currently two items from which to choose.

    • Edit the job: opens the job you in the Job Wizard.
    • Run the job: allows you to start jobs just by double-clicking on them. The first time that you double-click a job, you may receive a message warning regarding running jobs with which you are not familiar if the Prompt before running WinZip jobs checkbox is selected. This message dialog does have options to not display this message again for this particular job, run the job, or edit the job.

    Prompt to unzip when opening Zip files

    WinZip will ask you if you want to unzip the Zip files you open from the following places when the check boxes are filled.

    • From outside of WinZip
    • Using WinZip's File Open
    • From WinZip's File pane
    • From WinZip's Recent Zip Files
    • From WinZip's Actions Pane
    • From WinZip's Home Page

    Related Topics (other WinZip Settings tabs):

    Email   Photos   Integration   Explorer   Updates   Folders   Encryption   Tools   Contacts   Advanced

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