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The WinZip Ribbon

Beginning with WinZip 29.0 (or subsciption version 76.9) you have a choice in Ribbons. By default, you will see the new Simple Ribbon. You can change this, at any time, to the Advanced Ribbon using the slider in the upper right corner of the ribbon.

The WinZip Ribbon interface arranges buttons and menus into logical, related groups so you can access the power of WinZip efficiently and quickly. The WinZip Ribbon is divided into several tabs. On each tab, you will find buttons that relate to the function specified on the tab.

Beginning with WinZip 28.0 (or subscription version 76.5) a Home button is included at the top left of the WinZip ribbon. This button will always be available.

This is a list of the available buttons in the Simple WinZip Ribbon.

The File tab



Create a new WinZip file: Zipx, Zip, LHA, Backup, or PDF


Open an existing WinZip file: WinZip File, From Favorites, Backup, PDF, or Image


Print a listing of the open WinZip file's displayed contents

Share Share your open Zip file or a selection of files in it with email, Social Media, Instant Messaging, through WinZip Charms, or by copying a share link. You also will have Expire files options here.


Save the currently open WinZip file

Save As

Save the currently open WinZip file to a new folder and/or new file name

Cloud Services Set your default services, log into any of the available cloud services, and/or add another account.
Social Media Select and sign into any of the Social Media services available
Instant Messaging Sign into and/or access settings for any of the instant message services available
Contacts Open the Manage Contacts window
WinZip Settings Open the WinZip Settings window to configure many options
Email Settings Choose how WinZip will (or will not) email the open WinZip file or open the Email tab of Winzip Settings.
Image Settings Configure how WinZip will: Reduce Photos, Convert Photos, and/or Watermark them.
PDF Settings Configure how WinZip will: Convert from or to PDF files, combine PDF files, Watermark them, or add your signature to them.


Close the open WinZip file


Close WinZip


Lists the most recent files that were opened in WinZip


The Main tab 



Add files from your PC or cloud service

Encrypt when adding

Check this box to encrypt the files you add to the Zip file

Convert when adding Turn on any of the available conversions or turn them off here
Unzip If you click this button while displaying a Zip file the contents of the Zip file will unzip to the folder the Zip file is in. If you wish, you can click the drop down button to choose a folder or unzip the files into Documents.
Encrypt If you have a Zip file open, you can click this button to encrypt all of the files

Click this button if you've opened a Zip file and would like to convert any of them. This opens the Convert Selected Files dialog. You can check the applicable boxes and have the option to change the preferences for the converions (click the 3 dots)

Email Click this to have your open Zip file attached to a new email, with your email application
The Tools tab   

PDF Express

Click this and the WinZip PDF Express will open

Image Manager

Click this and the WinZip Image Manager will open

Secure Backup

Click this and the WinZip Simple Secure Backup window opens

Duplicate File Finder

Click this and the WinZip Duplicate File Finder opens


Click this and the WinZip SafeShare window opens

The View tab   
Files Click this to turn the Files pane off or on
Actions Click this to turn the Actions pane off or on
Files pane Click this to choose whether the Files pane will appear in the Tall Rows, Table or Icon view
Zip pane Click this to choose whether the Zip pane will appear in the Tall Rows, Table or Icon view
Actions pane Click this to choose whether the Actions pane will appear in the Tall Rows, Table or Icon view
Sort by Sort the Zip file contents in various ways
Columns Select which columns to display, this only will affect the Details view


This is a complete list of all of the buttons available on the Advanced WinZip Ribbon. Click on the links for a more detailed description of each tab and its buttons.

The File tab



Create a new WinZip file: Zipx, Zip, LHA, Backup, or PDF


Open an existing WinZip file: WinZip File, From Favorites, Backup, PDF, or Image


Print a listing of the open WinZip file's displayed contents

Share Share your open Zip file or a selection of files in it with email, Social Media, Instant Messaging, through WinZip Charms, or by copying a share link. You also will have Expire files options here.


Save the currently open WinZip file

Save As

Save the currently open WinZip file to a new folder and/or new file name

Cloud Services Set your default services, log into any of the available cloud services, and/or add another account.
Social Media Select and sign into any of the Social Media services available
Instant Messaging Sign into and/or access settings for any of the instant message services available
Contacts Open the Manage Contacts window
WinZip Settings Open the WinZip Settings window to configure many options
Email Settings Choose how WinZip will (or will not) email the open WinZip file or open the Email tab of Winzip Settings.
Image Settings Configure how WinZip will: Reduce Photos, Convert Photos, and/or Watermark them.
PDF Settings Configure how WinZip will: Convert from or to PDF files, combine PDF files, Watermark them, or add your signature to them.


Close the open WinZip file


Close WinZip


Lists the most recent files that were opened in WinZip


The Unzip tab


Same Folder as Zip

Unzip all of the files in the Zip file into a folder created in the same location and having the same name as the Zip.


Unzip files to your Documents folder or configure a specific folder for WinZip to use.

Last Folder Used to Unzip

Unzip files into whatever folder was the last one you unzipped to
My PC or Cloud Open a window allowing you to pick which folder WinZip will use to unzip files into

All Files

Unzipping will unzip all files in the current WinZip file, ignoring selections

Selected Files

Unzipping will only unzip files that are currently selected
Unzip and Try
Unzip files temporarily into a configured folder allowing you to try things
Unzip and Install
If WinZip can see a setup.exe file in the Zip file root, you can click this to install the software
Last Output
View the results of the last operation WinZip performed
Comments Create, view, edit, or delete a comment embedded in your Zip file
Properties View the properties of your open WinZip file or a file you selected in the open WinZip file
Diagnostics Run a diagnostic test of your open WinZip file and view simple or detailed results of the test
Unzip Settings Cofigure options for when you unzip files


The Zip Tab

Zip File Toggle this on if you want to create a .zip file
Zipx File Toggle this on if you would rather create a .zipx file
Zip Method WinZip uses the Maximum setting of the Deflate compression method; use this to change the setting to Enhanced Deflate
Zipx Method Rather than Best method, you can choose any available compression setting for .zipx files
Filters Use this to create filters or choose ones you created earlier, you also can edit filters or remove them
Encrypt Turn Encrypt on to have WinZip encrypt the files being added; configuration is done in WinZip Settings opened from the File tab
Image Conversions Turn on any of the available conversions for image files or turn them off here
PDF Conversions Similar to the Image Conversions, but concerning PDF files
Files and Folders Click this to open the Add window allowing you to find, select, and zip items
The Manage tab

A file must be open in WinZip for most of these buttons to be active

Copy Path Copy the path to the folder being viewed to the clipboard
Copy Link Upload a file or folder to a cloud service and copy a sharing link to the clipboard
Paste Shortcut After copying the path to a folder, use this button to create a shortcut
Search Click this button to display the search box in the Files pane
Move To Selected files and/or folders will be moved to the location you select
Copy To Selected files and/or folders will be pasted to the location you select
Delete Selected files and/or folders will be sent to the Recycle Bin
Wipe Selected files and/or folders will be deleted and the location wiped
Undo Undo the last file management action (does not apply to Wipe)
Rename Rename the selected file, folder, or combination; single or multiple renaming can be done

New Folder

Create a new folder in the currently displayed location

Map as Drive Map the currently selected or currently active folder as a drive (cannot be a cloud folder)
Add a network location Create a shortcut to a folder in a shared location on your network and more that will then display in the Files pane
Properties Open the Properties window for the selected file, folder, or combination
Open Selected file can be opened with the associated program or one you choose
Edit Edit a file in its default application; files that run when opened, such as batch files, will only display in the default application
Select All After browsing to a location in the Files pane, if you click this button, everything in that location will be selected.
Invert Selection After you have manually selected some files and/or folders in the Files pane, you can click this button to deselect those items, and then it will select everything else.

The Backup/Clean Tab


Switch to

Toggle between Simple and Advanced (Secure Backup)

Documents Library

Run a job that will zip the contents of the Windows Documents Library

Pictures Library Run a job that will zip the contents of your Pictures Library

Desktop, Email, Docs, Favs

Run a job that will Zip the Documents, Email, Desktop, and Favorites folders as one job

All Libraries

Run a job that will zip all of the files and folders in all of your Libraries


Find and run a WinZip job you created or select a recently run WinZip job from the list


Create a new custom WinZip job, one based on an existing WinZip job, or one based on files you have selected in WinZip's Files pane


Edit an existing WinZip job

Duplicate Files

Find any duplicate files from folders/drives you select and then delete them if wanted

Old Files

Display the background maintenance window with many preconfigured cleaners, run any you see, and/or create and run one of your own
An empty cleaner window opens for you to create and use an organizer for photos
Review Notifications Display clean or organize notifications that displayed when you were not viewing the monitor

The Tools Tab



When your camera or cell phone is connected, this allows you to use Snap and Share


When you have a scanner running, this allows use of Scan and Share

PDF Files

When an appropriate file is selected this button opens WinZip PDF Express

Image Files

When image files are selected this button opens WinZip Image Manager

New Zip From
Create a new Zip file from files selected in WinZip


Zip and encrypt selected files or simply encrypt files in an existing Zip file


Open the Convert Selected Files window with all possible conversions listed

Split Zip File

Split a Zip file into multiple parts of a specified size
Split Size Set the size you wish used when you click Split Zip File

Self-Extracting EXE

Create a self-extracting WinZip file

UUEncoded File

UUencode the open WinZip file



The View Tab



WinZip's main window shows three panes (Files, Zip, Actions) and Zip file contents are displayed in a folder tree structure similar to Windows File Explorer


WinZip's main window shows a single pane, in which all files are displayed in a flat view


Turns the Files pane on and off


Turns the Actions pane on and off

Files pane

Set the view layout in the Files pane

Zip pane  Set the view layout in the Zip pane

Actions pane

Select to show Button labels or hide them

Sort by

Sort the Zip file contents in various ways


Choose how items in the Zip file are displayed


Select which columns to display in the Classic display mode or when Details View is selected in the Explorer display mode

Folder Tree

Selects whether a Folder pane is shown alongside the Zip file pane as an alternate means of navigating the folder tree structure of WinZip files.

New Window

Opens a new, empty WinZip window.

Close All

Close all open WinZip windows

Switch Window

Allows you to quickly switch between different open WinZip windows




The Buy Now Tab

This tab only displays in the Evaluation Version of WinZip

Buy Now!

Connect to the WinZip web site to purchase a license for your WinZip


Enter your registration information for a licensed WinZip version



The Get WinZip Pro Tab

This tab only displays in the WinZip Standard version

Buy WinZip Pro

Connect to the WinZip web site to purchase an upgrade for your WinZip license

Register WinZip Pro

Register your WinZip Pro license to enable the additional WinZip Pro features



The Help button

The Help button is the blue question mark icon on the right side of the ribbon


Open the About WinZip window and either click Help or use another option.