Adding Files to an Archive

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Adding Files to an Archive

New users: for introductory information, please see the section Brief Tutorial - Adding Files to a WinZip® File.

There are other ways to add files to an archive:


Adding files using the WinZip Ribbon interface

Setting the zipping options

Set any or all of the following options that WinZip will use when adding files:


Adding files

Once you have configured the desired options, you can add files by clicking the Files and Folders button. WinZip will open a file selection dialog that you can use to select the files or folders you want to add to your WinZip file. To add files from the cloud, simply select the desired cloud storage provider and provide login information if necessary, then find and select the desired files as usual.

Once you have selected the files and folders to add, click the Add  button to begin the zipping process. Alternatively, you can click on the dropdown arrow to the right of the Add button to select one of the other zipping operation:

Compatibility note

WinZip supports the following extensions to the Zip file format:


Beginning with WinZip 12.1, in order to better help users differentiate between Zip files created using legacy Zip 2.0 compatible compression methods and those Zip files created using the advanced compression methods listed above (such as PPMd, bzip2, WavPack, Jpeg compression, LZMA, XZ, and MP3 compression), Zip files created using legacy Zip 2.0 compatible compression methods will have the file extension .zip and Zip files that were created using the advanced compression methods will have the file extension .zipx. Most Zip utilities should be able to extract from the .zip files created by WinZip 12.1 or later; however, .zipx files are not compatible with earlier versions of WinZip and may not be compatible with other Zip utilities. Please see Choosing a Compression Method for additional information on the compression methods used in WinZip.

WinZip remains fully compatible with the original Zip 2.0 file format and uses the original format whenever possible when using Zip 2.0 Legacy compression methods.

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