New Zip File on CD or DVD

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WinZip Pro and WinZip Enterprise feature

New Zip File on CD or DVD

Note: As of WinZip 26.0, you will NOT find a New Zip file on CD/DVD option. If you have all that is necessary, you can simply place your writable CD or DVD in the drive, insure it is formatted, and then select that as a save to location.

Creating new Zip files on CD or DVD

WinZip® can create new Zip files (.zip or .zipx) directly on CDs or DVDs. New Zip files written to CDs or DVDs can span multiple CDs/DVDs if necessary.

To create a new Zip file on CD/DVD if you are using the WinZip Ribbon interface, click New Zip file on CD/DVD option in the File menu. This displays a dialog with the following options:

About writing to CD/DVD

To write to CD/DVD, WinZip first creates the new Zip file (or an individual part of the new Zip file) in WinZip's working folder. Once the Zip file (or Zip file part) has been created, WinZip will then write it to a CD or DVD.

This staging process is necessary because of the way CD/DVD writing hardware works. It also requires that you have enough disk space available in your working folder to hold the staged Zip files.

If the menu entry does not appear

If New Zip File on CD or DVD does not appear in WinZip's File menu and you are using Windows XP or later, you may be running WinZip from a user account with limited rights. This situation can be corrected as follows:

  1. Log on to the computer using an administrator account or have a system administrator log on.
  2. Open Windows security policies:
    1. Click Start, then Run.
    2. Type SECPOL.MSC and click OK.
  3. Open Security Options under Local Policies.
  4. Find the Restrict CD-ROM access to locally logged-on user only option. Double-click the option and change its setting to Enabled.


CD/DVD support in the WinZip Job Wizard

WinZip also supports writing to CD or DVD when running WinZip jobs. Details on how to use this feature are in the help topic for the Specify Zip File panel of the WinZip Job Wizard.

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