Configure E-Mail Notifications (WinZip Job Wizard)

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WinZip Pro and WinZip Enterprise feature

Configure E-Mail Notifications (Job Wizard)

This window allows you to configure your WinZip® backup to send an e-mail notification when the job runs. The email can include the Zip file and/or the log file as attachments. To access this window, click the E-mail button in the final panel of the Job Wizard.

Choose notifications

In the first two sections of the dialog, choose which notifications, if any, you want WinZip to send when a job completes.

Specify email account information

If you have chosen to send an email notification, you must specify the email account to be used to send the email message and who the message should be addressed to.

Specify options

If you have chosen to send an e-mail notification, three additional options are available that relate to the Zip file and log file:

Related Topics

Configuring FTP connection

Setting up email accounts

WinZip Backups and the Job Wizard

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