Choose Job Type (WinZip Job Wizard)

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WinZip Pro and WinZip Enterprise feature

Choose Job Type (WinZip Job Wizard)

Step 2

This panel of the WinZip® Job Wizard allows you to specify the "Job type". The job type affects which files are included and excluded, whether file attributes are changed when the job is run, and whether an existing Zip file is replaced or updated.

Use the Job type dropdown list to choose one of five predefined job types or Custom to create your own (see below).

The predefined job types are:

Custom job types

If you choose Custom from the Job type dropdown list, you can specify your own job type by controlling all of the options individually. The options are:


Related Topics

Next panel: Specify Job Options

Previous panel: Select Items

WinZip Backups and the Job Wizard

Data Backup Strategies

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