Explorer tab (WinZip settings)
Select the Explorer tab from WinZip Settings to control WinZip's® enhancements to Windows Explorer.
Explorer Enhancements
Enable Explorer enhancements (including additional drag and drop features): You can disable all of WinZip's Explorer enhancements by clearing this checkbox . If the option is checked, you can control the enhancements individually as shown below.
- Note: In order to change the checkbox setting for Enable Explorer enhancements, you will need administrative privileges. If required, Windows will present the User Account Control window so you may grant administrative privileges for this operation.
Show Add dialog when dropping files on an archive in Explorer
- If this option is checked, WinZip will show the Add/Move Files dialog when you drop a file on a Zip file in Explorer. This gives you the opportunity to encrypt, perform conversions, and apply filters.
- If this option is not checked, WinZip will simply add the file to the archive.
Context menu options
- The Display icons on context menus checkbox determines whether a small WinZip icon is displayed to the left of WinZip's Explorer context menu items.
- The "Add to" includes folder information checkbox determines how folder information is stored when you right click a folder in Windows Explorer or My Computer and then choose Add to folder-name.zip(x) from the WinZip Explorer context menu. If this box is checked, folder information will be stored for all files added. If it is not checked, folder information will be stored only for files added from subfolders of the selected folder.
- Show WinZip File Security menu - Clear this box if your do not want to encrypt files, shedule files for deletion, or edit the files for deletion settings after right clicking.
- Show WinZip Image Manager menu - Clear this box if your do not want to use any WinZip conversion and editing features with your image files after right clicking.
- Show WinZip PDF Express menu - Clear this box if your do not want to use any PDF conversion features after right clicking.
- Show WinZip Safeshare menu - Clear this box if your do not want to use WinZip Safeshare after right clicking.
Include in context menu
You can use this list to enable or disable many of the WinZip Explorer context menu entries individually. Check the appropriate checkbox to include a command in the WinZip menu, or clear it to remove the command from the menu (see Explorer Context Menu Enhancements for descriptions of the individual commands).
Click the Advanced button if you want to specify which items will appear directly in the Explorer menu and which will appear in the WinZip submenu.
Note: the command labeled Open unassociated archives with WinZip corresponds to the submenu entry Open with WinZip that appears for self-extracting archives, certain media player "skin" files, etc.
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