Encryption tab (WinZip settings)

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Encryption tab (WinZip settings)

Select the Encryption tab in WinZip Settings to configure WinZip's® password policy and default encryption method.

The security of your data depends not only on the strength of the encryption method but also on the strength of your password, including factors such as length and composition of the password. This tab allows you to configure both aspects of encryption.

Password must contain

By setting a password policy, you can configure WinZip to disallow encrypting files with a password that does not meet the strength requirements defined by the policy. See Encryption Passwords for more information on the use of passwords.

Encryption method

Use this section to specify the default encryption method.


All or part of this tab may not be available if your administrator has disabled encryption or configured WinZip to implement a corporate password policy.


Related Topics (other WinZip Settings tabs):

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