Restore Data Backups

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Restore Data Backups

You have one or more Zip files (.zip or .zipx) that contain data you want to restore to your computer. How do you do that?

The simplest answer is to open the Zip file and then click 1-click Unzip in the Unzip/Share tab. This will unzip the contents of the WinZip file to the folder specified by appending the contents of the Folder field to the contents of the Location field.

However, if you have multiple Zip files created using different job types in the WinZip® Job Wizard, then the restore process may be a little more complex. For descriptions of the different Job Types, please see the WinZip Job Wizard help.

Here is a scenario to illustrate the data restore process:



To restore this, you would just restore the data from the Zip file created on Wednesday; it should contain the latest set of data already.

For more information on data restore strategies, please refer to Restoring Data from Backups in the WinZip Support Knowledgebase.

Related Topics:

WinZip Backups and the Job Wizard

Using the WinZip Job Wizard

Data Backup Strategies

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